There are a few rituals, which are exclusive to brahmin weddings only. These are the Viratham, Maalai maatral and Oonjal.
Viratham happens for the bride and the groom separately. For the groom, it is an important ritual, because that is when he gets his father’s permission to get married. Further, it involves the tying of the blessed sacred thread around the wrists, for protection. Actually, this ritual happens for both the bride and the groom, because it is believed to protect them from the unfavourable aspects of life.
The Maalai maatral ritual is total fun. Here, the entire family of the bride and the groom takes part. The most important aspect of this ritual is, when the bride and the groom compete in exchanging garlands. To make it interesting, this act is done by playfully resisting the garlanding by the other party.
Importantly, during maalai matral the boy and the girl are carried on the shoulders by their maternal uncles and other close relatives. All this time, the crowd around also participates joyfully in the fun.
The Oonjal ceremony is a little sedate when compared to the maalai maatral. This an important ritual, where all the women of the family participate. That is because, it is a ritual to ward off the evil eye for the benefit of the couple among other things. Guests sing songs in the praise of their favourite deities during this time. Finally, as the best brahmin photographers in Chennai, we are expected to know all these. The purpose is to ensure the best the best brahmin wedding coverage.