Live Streaming |
You might have heard this frequently within your social circles. Oh I am sorry. I would not be able to make it to your wedding. Do you have any plans of streaming it? Oh yeah. My wedding is being shown on the Internet live.
Live streaming is the technology that is used in many events, especially weddings to broadcast the proceedings on to the world wide web. In simple terms, it is the technical interface that is attached to the video output of the traditional video camera and routes it to an Internet address. Friends and relatives can then watch the proceedings from the comfort of their homes on a desktop, laptop or from their smartphones.
We are living in a nuclear world these days. And each of us are living, alone and away with great distances separating us. Due to this fact, sometimes our nearest and dearest may not be in a position to visit us even during these important occasions.
On an occasion, the grandpa or grandma may be indisposed and in the hospital. An uncle, who is a renowned doctor, who taught you the world during your childhood, may have an important surgery scheduled on the day of your wedding and is unable to attend it.
There are a lot of friends and relatives abroad who might not have gotten the necessary leave for your wedding. So, this live streaming of your wedding celebrations are all going out there on the Internet, LIVE, for all to see.
We can stream using a single camera, or if you want an elaborate coverage of all the crowd, all happenings, you can order a mixer and an extra camera or two to cover the entrance, stage, audience, buffet area. One camera may also be dedicated to cover the VIPs who may be attending your wedding.
Okay. Now, what is a mixer? Mixer is nothing but a console device with a live editor who will be watching all the feeds from the cameras in real time and choose the most important scene and route it to the stream.
In many cases, there may be an LED screen or two in the venue, on which the live feed will be relayed.
You may get in touch with your photographer or decorator, who will be helping you out on this requirement.
With the advent of high speed Internet, the bandwidth for streaming (yes, you need high speed Internet for this) may not be a problem at all. But, in some places, there are still issues with the Internet.
In most of the 5 star hotels, the Internet is given out free, for in house guests. We can get our own login and use the wifi for trouble free, interruption free streaming. Option 2 will be the Internet device that will be brought in by the streaming service provider. In the rarest of rare cases, there may be a feeble Internet, due to which, the streaming may not work. But, then this is only a rare occurrence and most of the major cities around the world are supported by the highest Internet speeds.
Please note that streaming needs to be booked at least a month or two in advance. Some of you guys may have your own website booked and designed before the wedding, with the details of the bride, groom, the families, the schedule all made available on the site. In this case, you can have a separate page designed as part of your site, which will contain the streaming window.
If you do not have a website, but you need one dedicated site for yourselves, with your own name, then you need to seek this requirement with your service provider. Your live streaming of your wedding can now be streamed under the website Cool is not it?
If you opt for no website, you will be given a live streaming link, which you may share with all your friends and relatives who may want to watch it. Streaming usually begins about half an hour before the start of the proceedings.
Under normal circumstances, the live streaming video will be available on the world wide web address for a few months. You may also be given a video of the streaming for you to watch and enjoy later.
Now, it is for you to decide if you want the live streaming service for your wedding or not. So, get amongst yourselves and decide whether you want it LIVE on the world wide web or not. And, if yes, do not delay in booking that service. As with any wedding service, they are booked early, especially if your wedding date falls among the busiest.